Today: 9:00AM - 8:00PM
Dec 14, 2017

Kia Tech FeaturesCar companies are working hard to develop and integrate new technologies that you want. Safety features are a big part of the technology trend, but luxury features are on the rise as well. Kia continues to find and integrate new technologies as they become available. The result is a brand of cars that routinely boasts the latest technology options. If you are looking for a car with the best new features, then here are four Kia tech features you’ll dig.

Smartphone Integration

One of the coolest features included in Kia vehicles is the technology to connect to your smartphone. Since most people use their smartphones to navigate, make calls while on the road, and listen to music, the ability to easily connect to your phone greatly improves your driving experience. Now, Kia vehicles come equipped with several options including Apple CarPlay and Android Auto as well as Bluetooth. Regardless of which technology you need, Kia vehicles have the ability to connect to your smartphone.

Rear Camera Display

Accidents usually happen when you collide with something behind you that was in your blind spot. Unfortunately, cars may never get rid of their blind spots. However, Kia is integrating rear camera displays to help maximize driver visibility. A camera in the rear of the vehicles can see directly behind your car. When backing up, the system turns on automatically and shows what is there on the touchscreen. That way, you can avoid any hidden obstacles.

Assistive Services

Despite the best planning, you may need specialized help at times. Kia makes it easy for you to reach out when you need it with assistive services. If your Kia has a mechanical failure and you need to pull over, you can get roadside assistance. The onboard system can help you connect with roadside assistance services at any time. The system can also automatically send information to assistive services if you are unable to. The 911 Connect feature also makes it easy to get help from emergency services. An emergency signal is sent to the automated service if your car is in an accident automatically. That way, help will be on the way as soon as possible.

Automated Diagnostics

Keeping track of your car’s maintenance and performance can be difficult. Most people know what it feels like when you know that something is off about your car, but you’re not sure what it is. With a Kia, you can run an automatic diagnostic that can pinpoint the source of the problem. That will, at the least, help you keep some peace of mind. The diagnostic program also runs automatically in the background to look for problems that you may not be aware of. It is like having a second pair of eyes that always check to see if your car is in the best shape possible.

Kia continues to find new technologies that make driving safer and more enjoyable. To get the latest information about Kia’s newest features, visit your local Kia dealer today. The dealers can tell you more and show you some of these new technologies first-hand.