Today: 9:00AM - 8:00PM
Feb 28, 2019
City Street at Night - Kia Dealer

Image “Las Olas Boulevard” by Steve’s stills, used under CC BY 2.0

When life gets busy, it’s nice to have extra hands to take care of everyday tasks. If you live in and around the Fort Lauderdale area, there are a variety of delivery services to help you with these tasks. Some of the services offered include grocery shopping, getting food, and running errands.

  1. CateredFit

Are you tired and out of ideas for dinner? Contact CateredFit and let them take care of all the prep work. The process is simple, choose from their menu, contact them with your order, then sit back and wait for your home-cooked meal. Once the meal arrives just heat it and enjoy! The company offers meals for singles and couples. They provide traditional meals as well as gluten-free, meatless, and Paleo options.  Each menu includes three to five meals per day.

If you are an athlete, you can upgrade your menu to the proper portions. The food is delivered Sunday through Thursday evenings. This way you can plan your menu for Monday through Friday. Every delivery is made at the same time each day so you can plan your schedule accordingly.

  1. Grubhub

Are you stuck at work, but craving your favorite lunch spot? You don’t have to leave the building. Instead, look up your favorite eatery on Grub Hub, place your order, then wait for the delivery guy. Once you place an order, you can track it each step of the way until it arrives at your location. You can access Grubhub through their website or on their app. It is available for both Android and Apple devices. One note when placing an order, some locations require you spend a minimum amount while others do not.

  1. Envoy

Envoy is a family concierge service that you hire for $25 per hour. They handle your grocery shopping as well as some household chores. They can even help find the perfect gift for any special occasion. Envoy also provides rides to doctor appointments, the salon, or the store. Are you looking for some help in the garden? The staff helps with gardening and other activities. They can also pick up your prescriptions and even find you a handyman.

  1. Errand Boy

Errand Boy is a new service in town established in 2018. You can hire the service for either eight, twelve, or twenty-four hours a week. During this time they will run your errands, help with household management and chores. Whether you need help with the lawn or someone to pick up your dry cleaning, they can take care of it while you are doing other things. This service is open by appointment only from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m Monday thru Friday.

  1. Instacart

Don’t have time to go to the grocery store? Don’t worry, contact Instacart and one of their people will take care of it for you. This program works with a variety of grocery stores. You set up your order through their website, iPad, iPhone, or Android device. After placing your order, all you need to do is set your delivery time and wait. The shopper gathers your items and delivers them in as little as one hour.

Image “Las Olas Boulevard” by Steve’s stills, used under CC BY 2.0