Today: 9:00AM - 8:00PM
Jul 27, 2017

Kia airbag | Gunther KiaYou look for a lot when hunting for a new car. Does it have the fuel efficiency that will keep you from spending too much at the pump? Does it have the space to fit your ever-growing family? All those features are crucial to consider, but they become pretty pointless when you’re broadsided by a reckless driver.

In the end, safety features are the features that matter most. They allow you to enjoy all the other features your car has to offer. Kia has a host of safety features to keep their drivers from harm. Here’s how they do it.


Smart Body Design

Years of building and testing vehicle integrity has taught Kia some valuable lessons about frame design. After all, a vehicle’s body is the first line of physical defense in a crash. Taking this into account, Kia builds their bodies with an ultra-high tensile steel using a hot stamping method that makes the frame lighter and more rigid. Not only are the bones of your Kia built to keep you safe, but they’ll also raise your fuel efficiency.

Kia frames are also built specifically with drivers and passengers in mind. Their design redirects crash energy away from drivers and passengers, so that airbags aren’t the only thing keeping you from harm.

Road Handling Technology

Of course, it’s just better to avoid getting hit or hitting someone else in the first place, if you can. Kia vehicles are rife with systems that help drivers better handle the road in order to prevent an accident. For example, the Electric Stability Control adjusts braking and throttle to ensure that you always have control, even in poor driving conditions.

Traction Control prevents wheel spin while Cornering Brake Control keeps you on the road when taking tight turns. Along with brake assistance systems like an Anti-Lock Brake System and Downhill Brake Control, your Kia will keep you more connected with the road than you’ve ever been.

Warning Systems

Human senses are amazing things, but with so much happening on the road, they’re sometimes just not enough. The warning systems in your Kia will expand your senses, so you can react quicker. The Lane Departure Warning system uses a camera mounted on your windshield to keep you in the lines when you’ve driven too long without sleep. The Forward Collision Warning system also uses a camera that keeps track of the distance between you and the vehicle ahead, warning you when you get too close.

And for the moments when your reaction time just isn’t fast enough to address the warning, Kia still has you covered. The Autonomous Emergency Braking will apply the brake pressure necessary to avoid an accident.

It can be easy to take safety features for granted when so many other features demand our attention, but in the moments when you need them most, you’ll be grateful that Kia had passengers in mind while designing its vehicles. If you have more questions about Kia’s safety systems, call Gunther Kia today!

Photo by Kia